Patricia Tanner

Kodiak Trust Company
Marketing Director
(907) 302-2990

Kodiak trust
Patricia has over 50 years of experience in the financial planning and estate planning industry. She has worked with domestic and international clients. Patricia has a master's degree from San Jose State College.

During her long career in the financial and estate planning industry, Patricia has held various positions such as independent insurance broker, senior management in major insurance companies, and as a certified financial planner in Europe and the United States. The focus of her practice has been estate planning for domestic and international clients.

Patricia founded and managed Fortune Strategies, a company specializing in estate and insurance planning for high net worth clients.

Patricia joined Kodiak Trust Company in October of 2017; she has assisted in its formation and ongoing management.  Currently, Patricia is managing the marketing division of Kodiak Trust Company.

Patricia earned a B.A. from Brigham Young University, an M.A. from San Jose State College, and various financial industry certificates, including CLU, ChFC, and CFP. She has been a speaker at multiple conferences and seminars in the United States, Europe, and South America.

About Us: Kodiak Trust Company is one of the two fully operational trust companies doing business in the state of Alaska today.  Kodiak Trust Company works with attorneys, financial and investment advisors, CPAs and insurance professionals from around the world to provide flexible trustee services and the benefits of Alaska trust situs.

Archived Webinars

Recorded Date December 3, 2021  Cost $15.00 Presentation Length 1.0 hour  CPE: Not available (archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)  Subject Area Taxes  Course Level Basic      Who Should Attend CPA - small firm, CPA - medium firm, CPA - large firm, Other