
Steven Brown

Urban Institute
Research Associate
(202) 833-7200

Urban institute
Kreg Steven Brown is a research associate in the Center on Labor, Human Services, and Population and the Research to Action Lab at the Urban Institute. His work covers projects concerned with racial disparities in economic opportunity. His primary research focuses on employment, examining racial and gender differences in career pathways, barriers in access to work, and gaps in wages and earnings. Previously, he conducted research on segregation and homeownership and access to affordable housing.

About Us: Policies for Action (P4A) is a signature research program of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, administered through the national coordinating center at the Urban Institute. Since 2015, P4A has awarded over $15 million for research identifying policies, laws, and other system and community levers in the public and private sectors that can support RWJF’s vision, working with others, to build a Culture of Health. Along with the other three signature research programs, P4A is helping to explore the root causes of health disparities in America, and identify potential solutions to improve health, equity and well-being. 

Archived Webinars

Recorded Date July 30, 2020  Cost Free Presentation Length 2.0 hours  CPE: Not available (archived webinars do not offer CPE credits)  Subject Area Specialized Knowledge  Course Level Basic      Who Should Attend CPA - small firm, CPA - medium firm, CPA - large firm, Other